Okapi Translation Memory Editor |
View MenuThe View menu offers the following commands:
ToolbarShows or hides the toolbar. Status BarShows or hides the status bar. Generic Edit FieldShows or hides the panel of the generic edit field. At the left side of the panel there is the list of all fields in the current file, except the source and target text fields. You select there which field should be displayed (and can be edited) on the edit field next to the list. Shortcut: F4 Vertical, Grid on the RightSets the layout with the grid on the right and the source/target edit fields on the left. Vertical, Grid on the LeftSets the layout with the grid on the left and the source/target edit fields on the right. Horizontal, Fields Side-by-Side, Grid AboveSets the layout with the source/target edit fields side-by-side and the grid above. Horizontal, Fields Stacked, Grid AboveSets the layout with the source edit field above the target edit field, and the grid above the source. Horizontal, Fields Side-by-Side, Grid BelowSets the layout with the source/target edit fields side-by-side and the grid below. Horizontal, Fields Stacked, Grid BelowSets the layout with the source edit field above the target edit field, and the grid below the target. Filter SettingsSets the settings for the filter. This command opens the Filter Settings dialog box. Shortcut: Ctrl+F5 Set Filter For Flagged EntriesSets the filter to show only the entries that are flagged. This command does the equivalent of opening the Filter Settings dialog box, setting the option Include the entries that are flagged, and unsetting the other options. Use FilterToggles the filter between ON and OFF. Shortcut: F5 Sort OrderSets the order in which the entries are displayed. This command opens the Sort Order dialog box. Shortcut: Ctrl+R Fields SettingsSets the settings of the fields (which ones are displayed, columns' width, protection, etc.). This command opens the Fields Settings dialog box. Shortcut: Ctrl+K Show Field Set 1Displays in the grid all the fields of the table that have their property Show in field set 1 set. You can select which fields have such property by using the Fields Settings command (or pressing Ctrl+K). Shortcut: Ctrl+1 Show Field Set 2Displays in the grid all the fields of the table that have their property Show in field set 2 set. You can select which fields have such property by using the Fields Settings command (or pressing Ctrl+K). Shortcut: Crtl+2 Display PreferencesSets the user preferences for the display of the table (colors, font, font size, etc.). This command opens the User Preferences dialog box. LogShows the Log window. Shortcut: F9 NotesShows the Notes window.