Wordfast Support

Wordfast is a translation tool. Its native TM format is a simple tab-delimited file. For more information about Wordfast see http://www.wordfast.net/.

This version of Olifant allows you to open/import and save/export files in Wordfast native TM format.

Mapping between Wordfast and Olifant (XX and YY stands for the source and traget language codes):

Wordfast Olifant
Field 1, date ChgDate field
Field 2, user ChgUser field
Field 3, usage count UseCount field
Field 4, source language XX
Field 5, source text Text_XX field
Field 6, target language YY
Field 7, target text Text_YY field
Field 8, attribute #2 Attribute field
Field 9, attribute #3 Attribute field
Field 10, attribute #4 Attribute field
Field 11, attribute #5 Attribute field
Field 1, date with a '=' to separate date and time Flag field set to true
Field 1, data with a separator different from '=' Flag field set to false