TMX Support
TMX is the Translation Memory eXchange format. It is a
standard XML format to exchange translation memory data between tools. TMX
is maintained by the OSCAR special interest group at LISA (Localization
Industry Standard Association). the specification document of the version
1.4b is available here: Olifant supports
TMX as its main format. Mapping
between TMX and Olifant (_XX stands for the language code for
that field):
Olifant |
In the <tu>
element |
tuid |
ID field |
o-encoding |
OEncoding field |
datatype |
DataType field |
usagecount |
UseCount field |
lastusagedate |
UseDate field |
creationtool |
CreTool field |
creationtoolversion |
CreToolVer field |
creationdate |
CreDate field |
creationid |
CreUser field |
changedate |
ChgDate field |
changeid |
ChgUser field |
segtype |
SegType field |
o-tmf |
OTMF field |
srclang |
SrcLang field |
<prop type="TTT"> |
@TTT or $TTT |
<note> |
A note entry |
In the <tuv>
element |
xml:lang |
The XX code |
o-encoding |
OEncoding_XX field |
datatype |
DataType_XX field |
usagecount |
UseCount_XX field |
lastusagedate |
UseDate_XX field |
creationtool |
CreTool_XX field |
creationtoolversion |
CreToolVer_XX field |
creationdate |
CreDate_XX field |
creationid |
CreUser_XX field |
changedate |
ChgDate_XX field |
changeid |
ChgUser_XX field |
o-tmf |
OTMF_XX field |
<seg> |
Text_XX field |
<prop type="TTT"> |
@TTT_XX or $TTT_XX |
<note> |
A note entry |
The <prop> element is mapped to a field named
after the value of the type attribute for that <prop> element.
If the value of the attribute type is "x-olf-flag "
the data is mapped to the Flag field.
If the value of the attribute type starts with "att:: "
or "x-alm: " it is mapped to a picklist with multiple values
property and its name is the value of the attribute type minus
the prefix. For example "att::myProp " becomes "@myProp ".
If the value of the attribute type starts with "x-als: "
it is mapped to a picklist with single value property and its name is the
value of the attribute type minus the prefix. For example "att::myProp "
becomes "@myProp ".
If the value of the attribute type starts with "txt:: "
or with "x-txt: " it is mapped to a non-picklist single value
property and its name is the value of the attribute type minus
the prefix. For example "x-txt:myProp " becomes "@myProp ".
If the value of the attribute type does not match
any of the cases above, it is mapped to a non-picklist single value property
and its name is the value of the attribute type . For example "myProp "
becomes "@myProp ".
The content of the <seg> element stay as it is:
The TMX content
elements are read as they are into Olifant. |