- Overview
- Common Parameters
- Options - Options Tab


- The utility set identifier for this utility is: oku_set04
- The utility identifier is: uriconversion

The URI Conversion utility allows you to convert the content of an input file to and from URI escape notation.

Common Parameters

The common parameters are the options specified from the application calling the utility rather than in the options dialog box of the utility itself. For this utility the common parameters you need to specify are the following:

Files of the first input list - Needed (the files to process)
Root for the first input list - Not Needed
Files of the second input list - Not Needed
Root for the second input list - Not Needed
Files of the third input list - Not Needed
Root for the third input list - Not Needed
Input language - Needed
Output language - Needed
Input default encoding - Needed
Output default encoding - Needed
Location and names for output files - Needed

Options - Option Tab

Un-escape the URI escape sequences -- Select this option to convert URI escaped sequences into normal text. For example, to convert the text "Fr%C3%A8res%20de%20la%20c%C3%B4te" into "Frères de la côte".

Escape content to URI escape sequences -- Select this option to convert normal text into a text where characters are escaped into URI escape sequences. Which characters get escaped is specified by the list below.

List of the characters to escape -- Check each character you want to be escaped. Note that the character '%' is always escaped. Characters to escape are converted to UTF-8 (regardless of the encoding for the output file), and then each byte of the UTF-8 sequence is converted into the notation %HH where HH is the uppercase hexadecimal value of the byte.

Escape all extended characters -- Check this option to convert all non-ASCII characters to a URI escape sequence.

All But URI-Marks -- Click this button to reset the list of the characters to escape to all, except the characters specified as "marks" in RFC 2396 (which are: '-', '_', '.', '!', '~', '*',''', '(', and ')').

All But Marks And Reserved -- Click this button to reset the list of the characters to escape to all, except the characters specified as "marks" in RFC 2396 (which are: '-', '_', '.', '!', '~', '*',''', '(', and ')'.), as well as the ones specified as "reserved" (which are: ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',').