- Overview
- Common Parameters
- Options - Options Tab


- The utility set identifier for this utility is: oku_set02
- The utility identifier is: rtfsplitting

The RTF Splitting utility allows you to break down an RTF file into several smaller RTF files.


Breaking down RTF code is difficult because of the RTF syntax. It may not be always possible to create the number of files requested or files in the size requested. You may sometimes get fewer files, or files larger or smaller than the requested size.

The utility tries as much as possible to break the file at paragraphs, but in some cases (depending on the RTF code) this is not possible and you may have sentences split into two files. Note also that the utility does not know anything about the text/codes inside the document and will break logical unit (e.g. a <trans-unit>,  the items of a dialog box, etc.) on occasions.

This utility is geared toward processing RTF files generated by the Text Extraction utility, and other "Trados-like" RTF files. It should work on other RTF files, but with probably less success in breaking down the file in equal parts.

The smaller files are created in the same folder as their corresponding original file. The filenames are the same with the addition of the file marker string and the file number just before the file extension. For example, if the file marker is "_PART":


is split into:


If files with such names already exist they will be overwritten without warning.

Note also that any existing files with the same name pattern in addition to the file created by the process will not be removed. This means that if you run the utility twice in a row on the same file, the first time splitting it into 5 parts and the second time splitting it into 3 parts, at the end of the second process you will still see 5 files, but only the 3 first will have been created by the second process, you should delete manually any additional files.

Common Parameters

The common parameters are the options specified from the application calling the utility rather than in the options dialog box of the utility itself. For this utility the common parameters you need to specify are the following:

Files of the first input list - Needed (the RTF files to split)
Root for the first input list - Not Needed
Files of the second input list - Not Needed
Root for the second input list - Not Needed
Files of the third input list - Not Needed
Root for the third input list - Not Needed
Input language - Not Needed
Output language - Not Needed
Input default encoding - Not Needed
Output default encoding - Not Needed
Location and names for output files - Not Needed

Options - Options Tab

Split into a given number of files -- Select this option to break down the input files according a given number of files.

Number of files -- Enter the number of files to create from each input file.

Do not split input files smaller than -- Enter the size (in Kbytes) under which an input file should not be split.

Split into a given file size -- Select this option to break down the input files according a maximum file size for the output files.

Optimal file size -- Enter the maximum size (in Kbytes) that should be targeted for each output files.

File marker -- Enter the text of the optional marker for the output files. The number of the file will be added automatically to this marker and both placed just before the extension of the file.