- Overview
- Common Parameters
- Options - Options Tab


- The utility set identifier for this utility is: oku_set04
- The utility identifier is: cdataconversion

The CDATA Conversion utility allows you to set the content of selected elements into CDATA sections. The conversion corresponds to escaping the entire content of the element, including children elements, processing instructions, etc.

Common Parameters

The common parameters are the options specified from the application calling the utility rather than in the options dialog box of the utility itself. For this utility the common parameters you need to specify are the following:

Files of the first input list - Needed (the XML files to process)
Root for the first input list - Not Needed
Files of the second input list - Not Needed
Root for the second input list - Not Needed
Files of the third input list - Not Needed
Root for the third input list - Not Needed
Input language - Not Needed
Output language - Not Needed
Input default encoding - Not Needed
Output default encoding - Not Needed
Location and names for output files - Needed

Options - Option Tab

Enter the list of XPath expressions for the elements that should have their content set to CDATA.

Add Item -- Click this button to add a new XPath expression in the list, and to switch to edit mode.

Apply Changes -- Click this button (which appears when you are in edit mode) to accept the changes entered in the edit field and set the expression currently selected to this new value.

Modify -- Click this button to edit the expression currently selected.

Cancel Changes -- Click this button (which appears when you are in edit mode) to discard the changes you have entered in the edit field.

Remove -- Click this button to remove the expression currently selected from the list.

Each expression must be a valid XPath expression pointing to one or more element nodes. The expression will be evaluated from the root of the document.

TODO: Info about how to handle Namespaces