- Overview
- Common Parameters
- Options - Options Tab


- The utility set identifier for this utility is: oku_set01
- The utility identifier is: bomconversion

The Byte-Order-Mark Conversion utility allows you to add or remove Byte-Order-mark characters in UTF-8 files.

No filter is used by this utility any text-based files can be processed. Do not use this utility on files that are not text-based (for example GIF or EXE files). Such files would get irreversibly corrupted.

Common Parameters

The common parameters are the options specified from the application calling the utility rather than in the options dialog box of the utility itself. For this utility the common parameters you need to specify are the following:

Files of the first input list - Needed (the files to convert)
Root for the first input list - Not Needed
Files of the second input list - Not Needed
Root for the second input list - Not Needed
Files of the third input list - Not Needed
Root for the third input list - Not Needed
Input language - Not Needed
Output language - Not Needed
Input default encoding - Not Needed
Output default encoding - Not Needed
Location and names for output files - Needed

Options - Option Tab

The only option needed for this utility is to choose between removing or adding the BOM:

Remove the Byte-Order-Mark if it exists -- Select this option to remove the BOM from the input files. Only UTF-8 with a BOM files are modified by the tool. Files in other encoding, are simply duplicated.

Add a Byte-Order-Mark if it does not exists -- Select this option to add a BOM at the top of each input file that has not already one.

Warning: The input files must be already in UTF-8. If they are not, you may end up with corrupted extended characters next time you open the files in an editor. To convert to UTF-8 (with a BOM), use the Encoding Conversion utility.