Okapi .NET Library

IFilterItem Members

 [This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

IFilterItem overview

Public Instance Methods

AppendChar Appends a character to the text of the item.
AppendCode Appends an inline code to the text of the item.
AppendText Appends a string to the text of the item.
ChangeToCode Change a text section of a a text item to inline code.
CopyFrom Copies all the data from a specified filter item.
Extract Extract a part of the text from the item.
GetCode Gets the original code of a specified inline code.
GetCodeCount Gets the number of inline codes in the text of the item.
GetCodeID Gets the identifier for the code at the specified index.
GetCodeIndexFromID Gets the index of a code with the given identifier and type.
GetCodeLabel Gets the label for the code at the specified index.
GetCodeMapping Gets the string representation of the inline codes for the item.
GetCoord Gets the coordinates of the item.
GetCX Gets the CX coordinate of the item.
GetCY Gets the CY coordinate of the item.
GetEncoding Gets the name of the encoding used for the item.
GetFont Gets the font information of the item.
GetGroupID Gets the ID of the group to which the item belongs.
GetInterfaceVersion Gets the version of the IFilterItem interface the object implements.
GetItemID Gets the ID of the item.
GetItemType Gets the type of the filter item.
GetLength Gets the original length of the text of the item in the input.
GetLevel Gets the level of grouping.
GetLineBreak Gets the type of line-break for this item.
GetMimeType Gets the mime-type value of the item.
GetNote Gets the note information for the item.
GetNoteAttributeFrom Gets the from attribute of the note.
GetProperty Gets the property value for the given property name.
GetResName Gets the resource name of the item.
GetResType Gets the resource type of the item.
GetStart Gets the start position of the text of the item in the input.
GetText Gets the text of the item in a specified format.
GetTextLength Gets the character length of the text of the item for a specified format.
GetX Gets the X coordinate of the item.
GetXMLStyle Gets the indicator for XML style for this item.
GetY Gets the Y coordinate of the item.
HasCode Indicator whether the item has at least one inline code.
HasCoord Indicates whether at least one of the coordinates member is different from 0.
HasFont Indicates whether the item has font information.
HasNote Indicates whether the item has a note.
HasText Indicator whether the item has at least one text character.
IsEmpty Indicates whether the item is empty.
IsPreFormatted Indicates whether the text is pre-formatted.
IsSubFlow Indicates whether the text of the item is a sub-flow text.
IsTranslatable Indicates whether the text is translatable.
IsTranslated Indicates whether the text of the item has already a translation.
ListProperties Lists the current properties of the filter item.
ModifyText Modify the text of the item.
NormalizeLineBreaks Normalizes the type of line breaks in the current item.
NormalizeWhiteSpaces Normalizes the whitespaces in the current item.
RemoveEnd Removes a specified count of characters form the end of the text.
Reset Resets most of the states and values of the item to their defaults.
SetCodeMapping Sets the string representation of the inline codes for the item.
SetCoord Sets the coordinates of the item.
SetCX Sets the CX coordinate of the item.
SetCY Sets the CY coodinate of the item.
SetEncoding Sets the name of the encoding used for the item.
SetFont Sets the font information for the item.
SetGroupID Sets the ID of the group to which the item belongs.
SetItemID Sets the ID of the item.
SetItemType Sets the type of the filter item.
SetLength Sets the length of the text of the item in the input.
SetLevel Sets the level of grouping.
SetLineBreak Sets the type of line-break for this item.
SetMimeType Sets the mime-type value of the item.
SetNote Sets the nore information for the item.
SetPreFormatted Sets the indicator whether the text is pre-formatted.
SetProperty Sets the property value for a given property name.
SetResName Sets the resource name of the item.
SetResType Sets the resource type of the item.
SetRTFOptions Sets the options for the RTF formatting.
SetStart Sets the start position of the text of the item in the input.
SetSubFlow Sets the indicator whether the text of the item is a sub-flow text.
SetText Sets the text of the item.
SetTranslatable Sets the indicator whether the text of the item is translatable or not.
SetTranslated Sets the indicator whether the text of the item has already a translation.
SetX Sets the X coordinate of the item.
SetXMLStyle Sets the indicator whether the item uses XML syntax or not.
SetY Sets the Y coordinate of the item.

See Also

IFilterItem Interface | Okapi.Library.Filter Namespace | IFilter